JOIN The Medcomms Workbook

Are you a freelancer in the MedComms / MedEd industry?

Whether you are a new or established freelancer, the MedComms Workbook community has something for you.

Choose from a monthly (£7.50/month) or an annual (£75/year) subscription to access:

  • Freelance work opportunities

  • Regular online huddles, recordings, and resources

  • A community hub to connect with fellow freelancers

“I find the regular events absolutely invaluable. How else would I meet potential future clients in person and find out what is happening in the industry, not to mention combating isolation by comparing notes with fellow freelancers? Also, I've now been sent contracts from new clients as a direct result of the recent workshop, so that certainly makes the subs worthwhile.”

Petra Roberts | Medical Editorial Specialist

What the medComms workbook offers freelancers:

  • Regular opportunities are shared with the community to support your freelance business.

    Clients get in touch with us to share their resourcing needs, and we share their requests with the freelancer community. If your skills match their needs, you can then contact the client directly so you stay in control.

  • The community gets together regularly to learn something new, support each other, ask and answer questions, and hear from external sources.

    On Heartbeat, you can view recordings of previous online events, often with other supporting content.

    We try to host events at varied times to support those in different time zones.

  • The Hub - hosted on Heartbeat - is a great place to ask questions and support other freelancers.

    Whether you've been in business for years or you're just starting out, there's strength in sharing your experiences with others. The Hub facilitates open discussion in a private community just for subscribers.

If you have any questions, please get in touch!