Freelancers: Don't miss out!

Freelancers: Don't miss out! ✦

The MedComms Workbook – your go-to resource for navigating the freelance world in medical communications – will be updating its subscription prices on May 1st

Current prices: £7.50/month or £75/year. New prices (from May 1st): £10/month or £100/year. Existing subscribers, your rate remains unchanged.

Supporting MedComms freelancers and the clients who work with them

Based in the UK, the MedComms Workbook is an international community of 250+ freelancers in the medical communications and medical education industry

How we can support you

Find freelance support

The MedComms Workbook is a community of over 250 specialist freelancers… and we are here to support you!

  • Fill skills gaps quickly with high-calibre MedComms freelancers

  • A free service connecting you directly to relevant freelancers

  • Simple process with the minimum of admin

Join the freelancer community

We are a friendly, supportive community of MedComms freelancers, gathering regularly to learn, connect, and encourage - and we’d love you to join us!

Your subscription includes:

  • Freelance work opportunities connecting you directly to clients

  • Regular online huddles

  • A community hub

>> In a hurry?

Busy MedComms agency professionals… we’re here to help you.

Our free service can quickly connect you with freelance support.

Just fill in our short form, and we’ll help you solve your resourcing issue.

Check out our new directory of MedComms freelancers!

We’ve created a directory sharing the profiles of the 250+ members of the MedComms Workbook - a collective of freelancers in the MedComms industry.

  • Find the perfect freelancer for your upcoming project

  • Get the contact details of that awesome freelancer you worked with at your previous agency

  • Discover whether your freelance pals are already members of the MedComms Workbook community

History of the MedComms Workbook

The MedComms Workbook is a community of 250+ freelancers in the medical communications and medical education industry.

In 2015, the MedComms Workbook was created by Peter Llewellyn of NetworkPharma Ltd to bring together the growing community of MedComms freelancers. Under Peter’s leadership, the community flourished and currently numbers over 250 members.

In early 2024, Eleanor Steele - the MedComms Mentor - took the reins. She brings with her two decades of experience within the industry, including as a freelancer herself.